"Maintenance and Restore of the Heat Exchangers of the Tar Removal Plant with Propane No. 1 "LD" of the Refinery Ing. Antonio M. Amor in Salamanca, Gto"
About Us
A mexican company founded on 2005, it was created with the porpuse of provide to our clients several solutions and useful tools to make any kind of industrial work, also to offer the integral way to provide the most recent technological solutions, to make the optimization of the resources, by the integral development made to release the requirements of your proyects.
ServicesOverall solutions for your business
"General Restore of the Heaters H01-A Y H01-B of the Primary Plant of the Refinery Antonio Dovali Jaime, in Salina Cruz, Oaxaca"
"Restore and Maintenance of the Heat Exchangers of the Hydro-desulphurization Plant of Oil No. 2 HDS-RR2” of the Refinery Ing. Antonio M. Amor, in Salamanca, Guanajuato"
"Maintenance and Restore of the Heaters of the Fractionation of Gases PLant Mc Refinery Francisco I. Madero, of Cd. Madero, Tamaulipas (Includes: Change of Boilers, Change of Oil Gas Circuits to Pilots and Boilers, Change of Instrumentation, Paint and Refractory Apply"
"Restore of the Oxidation Ponds de las Lagunas de Oxidación Based on the Withdrawl of Building Up Sludge and Geomembrane, Paving the Ground, Slope, Benches and Fitness of the Electric System, on the Refinery Ing. Antonio M. Amor in Salamanca, Gto."
“Maintenance and Restore of Towers and Accumulators of the Refinery Plant with Furfural #1 “LF” Refinery Ing. Antonio M. Amor in Salamanca, Gto.”
“Amendments of the Hydrogen Drying Section of the Isomerose Pentanes Plant, Includes Equipment Instalation, Instrumentation, Process Lines, Tests and Start of Operation in the Refinery "Miguel Hidalgo" in Tula of Allende Hidalgo"
“Restore of the Boiler BA-3701 of Sulfur 5 Train 1 of the Complex H-Oil DC, of the Sector No. 10 Refinery Miguel Hidalgo in Tula of Allende Hgo.”
“Instalation of the Instrumentation and of the Electric System for the Gas Line of the FA-702 on the Primary Plant No. 2 "RD" of the Refinery Ing. Antonio M. Amor in Salamanca, Gto."
“Instalation, Change and Integration of the Gases Lines to the Accumulator FA-702 of the Primary Plant No. 2 "RD" of the Refinery Ing. Antonio M. Amor of Salamanca, Gto."
"Design, Procure and Instalation of Live Block, for the Instalation of the Alternating Steam Line (that substitutes the actual section damaged of the head of steam) of 3.5 KG/CM2, 36” Diameter and Operation Temperature of 300˚ C, of the Power Planta, Operative Sector No. 5, of the Refinery "Miguel Hidalgo"
"General Restore of 7 Condensers y 54 Heat Exchangersof the Atmosferic Plant 2 on the Sector No. 7 on the Refinery Miguel Hidalgo of Tula Allende Hidalgo"
"Mecanic Jobs for the Instalation and Integration of the Heat exchanger of High Efficiency named Packinox on the U-500 of the Plant Hidros 1 of the Refinery Miguel Hidalgo of Tula Allende Hidalgo"
"Maintenance and Restore of Towers and Accumulators of the Alkylation Plant of the Refinery Ing. Antonio M. Amor, in Salamanca, Guanajuato"
"Construction of the Contention's Slope and Channeling of Rainy Water of the Gap such as the Sludge Disposal on the Trans Soni Plant, on Puebla Puebla"
"Supply and Construction of the Factory and Storage of Portable Cylinders with Electric Substation of 300 KVA Azteca Gas, in Teoloyucan, Edo. de Mex."
"Automatization and Monitoring of the Storage and Distribution Plant of LP Gas, Gas Satélite, in Tepotzotlán, Edo. de Mex."
"Automatization y Monitoring of the Storage and Distribution of LP Gas Soni Gas, in Huitzilac, Morelos"
"Construction of the Metering Skid Doble Train in the Distribution Terminal PGPB Puebla"
"Design and Construction of the Carburation Station Garza Gas, with Permanent Storage of 50,000 Lts. of Cap. in Iztapalapa D.F."
"Supply and Construction of the Duct of 8" 0 from the TDGL Puebla to the Trans Soni Terminal, on the Industrial Park Puebla 2000, in Puebla, State of Puebla"
"Supply and Construction of the Storage and Distribution Plant of LP Gas, Soni Gas, of 1'000,000 Lts. of Cap. in Zapopan, Jalisco"
"Design, Construction and Setting Up of Station of Carburation and Storage and Distribution Plant of LP Gas with Permanent Storage, El Salto, Jalisco"